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Artist Bio


Ludovic Foster was born in the South Wales Valleys and studied for an MA in painting at Winchester School of Art. He holds a PhD in Gender Studies from the University of Sussex for his thesis Narratives of Tomboy Identity in Fiction and Film: Exploring a Hidden History.     ​ 

Ludovic has lived in East Sussex for a number of years and his earlier artworks were inspired by encounters with the coastal landscape surrounding Brighton and Hove, as well his experiences as an avid swimmer. His work conveys the pleasure and value that Ludovic finds the in quotidian and ephemeral: billboard posters, deserted car parks, industrial buildings, and the municipal pool.  

Employing materials such as ink, watercolour paint, graphite and pencil allows the freedom for both energetic mark making, and controlled physical movement. The variety of marks and the use of hastily torn masking tape and commercially available handmade paper, suggest the tension between restraint, disruption and impermanence.

As part of his present practice Ludovic has started to experiment with video and synthesised sound, as well as surreal cartoon style drawings of hand tools and other household objects that are imbued with a sense of the uncanny.

Using a neurodivergent perspective Ludovic continues to expand upon the aforementioned themes through his developing interest in the relationship between science, visual art, sound and movement.  

His ideas also engage with theorist Jose Esteban Munoz's concept of queerness as an ideality, queerness as horizon to reclaim the possibilities of utopian imagination, Which in turn draws on Marxist historian C. L. R. James's idea of the 'future in the present.'  ​ 

Ludovic has exhibited at the Trans/Forms exhibition in Bristol in 2015, and as part of the SEAS - Socially Engaged Art Salon’s Open Pride exhibition in Brighton 2018.  He also created an illustration for the local Thomas Highflyer Project, which was funded by the Heritage Lottery. And contributed a watercolour painting to the Outside-In "Environments" Exhibition 2019. 



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